Midlife Leap

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Two Oceans

So here's the thing. We don't typically suggest restaurants like Two Oceans in our guides. Not because they aren't delicious, but more because they are usually out of our price range and in this particular experience, it's kind of your only choice.

There is always an option of a picnic, but given how long the day was, we thought grocery shopping for a picnic would only make things more difficult, not to mention the baboons are a real problem in Cape Point.

So...in the end, we felt you deserved this treat today. Yes, its a splurge, but I promise the views will make up for it. In full disclosure, we have never dined here, but we know plenty of people who have and they all recommended it.

If you don't want to splurge in Cape Point, don't worry grab a snack (I always have them handy on road trips) and head back to Cape Town, its only an hour and a half away!